
Posts Tagged ‘minor league’

Daily Update – 4.10.11

April 10, 2011 1 comment

The big event of the day was doing the Round Rock Express Bike Ride.  The only had two options, a 27 mile ride and a 77 mile, so we, of course, opted for the 27 mile.  It was not exactly challenging, but a couple friends were doing it, so we decided to as well.  There was some crazy wind on the 2nd half of the race that kept me in low gear, but it wasn’t as bad as the Rosedale Ride.

After the ride, part of the event was admission into a Round Rock Express baseball game.  It was fun going there again.  We got a hot dog and watched an inning of baseball . We didn’t stay longer because we had a lot to do at home.  But it was still fun.

So we came home and Laurie did our taxes while I puttered with school, mowing the yard, and other random stuff.