
Archive for May 19, 2011

Cyclists vs. Cars & Pedestrians

May 19, 2011 Leave a comment

There was an article on a local blog about a route I ride a lot.  Basically trying to set up some sort of conflict between cyclists and pedestrians.

Fit City: Great Northern

Here was my response:

I ride Great Northern several times a week, see regular walkers, etc. I don’t see what the big deal is. Car traffic is low enough that I can usually give the walker decent space. As long as they aren’t swaying all over the place, we’re all good.

Cars are the real problem. They drive too fast down GN. They take the turn from Foster to Great Northern too fast, often driving in the bike lane.

And I’m real tired of hearing about bikes not stopping for signs, lights, etc. Slowing down to 1mph is slow enough to wait our turn, let cars get through, etc. I think those who say 75% of cyclists run signs and lights mean that they don’t put a foot down on the road. A cyclist staying clipped in and slowing down to an “almost stop” is still more of a stop than I see 95% of the cars doing. I have yet to see any cyclist run a stop sign or red light in way of an unsafe manner. I have also had plenty of cars tailgate me and pass in an unsafe manner when I do stop all the way at lights and signs. They don’t want to wait for a cyclist to get up to speed. You can’t have it both ways.

Finally – why can’t the city put up Yellow signs telling cars they need to stay 3 ft away from cyclists? How are cars supposed to know this rule, unless they love reading the DMV manual? 3ft signs are MUCH needed, so cars know the rules.

Photo of the Day: