
Archive for January 7, 2011

Daily Update 1.7.11

January 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Not too much to report on today.  Took the dogs for a walk and did a quick bike ride to work.  I averaged 14 mph moving speed, which I think is a new high, but I still want that magical 15 mph average, even on the 2.8 mile ride to work.

I did read an interesting article on the NY Times.  It’s about marriage and how people want someone who will add to their lives – someone they can learn from and explore new things with.  Seems a bit commonsense to my way of thinking, but apparently it’s not so common.  I’ve always wanted someone to share life with, and since my life revolves around learning, it’s natural that I want someone who can teach me new things and open my world up to new things.