
Archive for January 24, 2011

Daily Update 1.24.11

January 24, 2011 1 comment

Today featured a 12 mile bike ride.  8 miles has gotten a bit too easy, so I’m trying to add in another loop.  I tried to push things, but it felt like the wind was holding me back a bit.  Not sure if that was true or not, but it felt like it.  So, it was nice to get 57 minutes of exercise in.  If I tried to exercise for an hour in the gym, I’d be bored out of my mind and very annoyed.  It’s easier on a bike because you have more thing to think about and distract yourself with.

I also finished up the book I started last night.  I need to write up a review of it, but don’t have that together yet.

I also played a practice tennis match with a few of my teammates from the tennis team.  I thought I played pretty good.  My shots were good, for the most part.  Serves were nice.  Volleys acceptable.  I’m also feeling faster on the court too, which is letting me have a bit better court coverage.  The only negative were my overheads, which were atrocious.

So good day overall.  But I’m having to try to get to bed early, because I have to get up early.  I hate trying to adjust my sleep schedule.  My body gets used to one thing and doesn’t like to go back and forth.